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Chief Revenue Officer

Margaret Lilani

Chief Revenue Officer

Margaret Lilani

Margaret Lilani is the Chief Revenue Officer at Vaco Holdings, a leading global provider of consulting, managed services and talent solutions. In this role, Margaret leads Vaco’s global delivery operations, with an emphasis on talent acquisition, business process outsourcing and client delivery across offshore and nearshore markets. Her focus is to ensure scalability, consistency and adaptability to meet the diverse needs of clients ranging from local businesses to Fortune 100 companies.

Before joining Vaco, Margaret served as Vice President II of Talent Solutions. In that role, she was responsible for launching the Expert Vetted Talent product offering and growing key service lines, including consulting, managed services and employer of record (EOR) services for enterprise clients.

Earlier in her career, Margaret built and led the legal staffing division at Epiq Systems, growing the business from concept to over $100M in under three years. She also served as Managing Director for the Northwest region at Kelly Services and as SVP of Global Solutions at Fronteo/UBIC Co., where she led global operations and client delivery.

Margaret’s accomplished background, which also includes work as an attorney in Boston before transitioning to talent solutions, equips her with a comprehensive understanding of global talent dynamics. She holds a J.D. from Suffolk University and a B.A. in political science and history from the University of Vermont.

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