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Thank you for the opportunity to present Vaco’s full spectrum of services and solutions tailored for business needs. Vaco is a global talent and solutions firm. While we provide expert Strategic Staffing, Consulting and Recruiting Services, we also have specialized practice verticals in Managed Services, Cybersecurity, EHR and ERP implementation and optimizations.
Our clients value their trusted partnership with Vaco. Across all functional areas, initiatives and enterprise-wide needs, clients consistently share that we deliver reliable, high quality, rapidly scalable, and flexible services. We work quickly to address our clients’ pressing needs while also securing an understanding of the underlying impetus for the need, and the resulting people, process, system and security implications.
As your primary point of contact for our partnership, I am always available and ready to engage our teams of experts to address whatever challenges you are facing today. I look forward to further discussions.
Kind regards,
Whether you need to increase your IT bandwidth for a finite amount of time, build a team of developers for a critical business project, optimize your web presence or hire your next IT leader, we can help.
We have a strong and growing network of accounting and finance talent – from accountants to chief financial officers – and many of our own team members are recovering CPAs. Let us show you what we can do and who we can find for you.
When you need more people behind the scenes to keep business humming – administrative assistants, operations specialists, HR generalists and project managers – we can help. Let’s find you your next difference maker.
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