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The STAR Method: Tips for acing behavioral-based interview questions

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The STAR Method

Responding to behavioral-based interview questions by discussing a specific Situation, Task, Action, and Result.


Describe a specific event or situation with sufficient details.

Example: Advertising revenue was falling off for my college newspaper, The Review, and large numbers of long-term advertisers were not renewing contracts.


Articulate the goal that you were working toward.

Example: My goal was to generate new ideas, materials and incentives that would result in at least a 15% increase in advertisers from the year before.


Define the actions YOU took/contributed to effectively address the situation or ensure project success. Use the word “I,” not “we” when describing actions.

Example: I designed a new promotional packet to go with the rate sheet and compared the benefits of The Review circulation with other ad media in the area. I also set-up a special training session for the account executives with a School of Business Administration professor who discussed competitive selling strategies.


Describe the positive outcomes of your actions. What did you accomplish? What did you learn?

Example: We signed contracts with 15 former advertisers for daily ads and 5 for special supplements. We increased our new advertisers by 20% over the same period last year.

Be sure to follow ALL elements of the STAR method.

Master the Method

Ready to master the STAR method? Download our information sheet for a full list of interview tips and scenarios.

Vaco - The Star Method Information Sheet


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